Triangle of Wound Assessment
TOWA = The Assessment of Wound bed + Wound edge + Periwound skin
=Wound Bed:
-Size: Length*Width*Depth
-Vessel? Bone? Muscle (fascia)?
-Tissue type: Necrotic? Sloughy? Granulating? Epithelialising? And the percentage~
-Exudate amount: Dry? Low? Medium? High?
-Exudate type: Thin/watery? Thick? Cloudy? Purulent (yellow/brown/green)? Pink/red (serosanguinous)?
-Infection (focal): Tenderness? Erythema? Edema? Warmth? Exudate? Delay healing? Bleeding/friable granulation tissue? Malodor? Pocketing?
-Infection (spreading/systemic): Pyrexia (fever up to?)? Abscess? Wound breakdown? Cellulitis? General malaise? Leukocytosis? Lymphangitis?
=Wound Edge:
-Maceration *找出其原因,並選用適當的換藥方式
-Dehydration *找出其原因,可能是體內缺水或換藥不當
-Undermining: at the location of ___ o’clock, extent ___ cm *要清出其中的膿和壞死組織,並且避免進一步擴張
-Rolled edges *過厚的傷口邊緣不利於新生組織,可能是局部的水腫或發炎,找出原因並解決
=Periwound Skin:
-All of the below need to measure the size. (Length*Width)
-Dry skin
-Callus *將其移除並且降低局部壓力,以免復發
-Eczema *找出過敏原(通常是膠帶),避免搔抓