-Follicular epithelial cell
70~80% Papillary carcinomas
10~20% Follicular carcinomas
<1% Anaplastic carcinomas
-C cell (Calcitonin-producing)
<5% Medullary thyroid carcinoma
1~2% Lymphomas, Sarcomas, Metastasis
Papillary carcinoma:
-可能和radiation exposure有關
-Pathology: papillary arrangement, vascular stalks, large and pale nuclei, intranuclear inclusion bodies, Ground-glass nuclei = 空洞核 (empty nuclei) = orphan-Annie eyes, pasammoma bodies (calcified spheres)
-生長緩慢,但在多年後可能會有anaplastic shift
-Low risk (relative good prognosis): 40歲以下女性,無轉移,no capsular invasion,小於2公分,Well differentiated
Follicular carcinoma:
-Pathology: cuboidal, large nuclei, follicular arrangement
※Hurthele cell (variant of follicular): older age, resistant I131, lymphatic system invasion
Medullary carcinoma:
-源自濾泡旁細胞(C cell),5年存活率50%
-Tumor marker: Calcitonin, CEA
-Calcitonin, histaminase, prostaglandin, serotonin, other peptides會變多
-其中sporadic佔90%,familial (MEN IIa or IIb, C cell hyperplasia)佔10%
-RET point mutation (chormosome 10)
Anaplastic carcinoma:
※central neck: 上界為舌骨,下界為胸骨切跡,側界為頸動脈鞘
1. 分化良好(Well-differentiated)的Papillary and Follicular
A.手術治療:Total thyroidectomy (若為low-risk,可以僅做near-total thyroidectomy)
B.臨床上有摸得到的淋巴結,要做Central neck dissection,沒摸到的話,是no indication for prophylatic neck dissection (但有時還是會拿個幾顆送frozen)
C.若想要做碘131治療去除residual cancer or metastatic cancer,則是要等到術後4周
※雖Follicular對碘131的吸收效果好,但若是Hurthel cell則不佳
D.抑制TSH作為治療:tumor marker: thyroglobulin、復發則要做碘131
E.追蹤:術後要追蹤human thyroglobulin, I131 scan, thyroxine withdrawal
2. Medullary carcinoama
A.手術治療:total thyroidectomy + central neck dissection
B.臨床上懷疑淋巴結轉移:modified ipsilateral lateral neck dissection
3. Anaplastic carcinoma
A.若手術可行:total thyroidectomy
B.緩和、安寧治療、external irradiation or/and chemotherapy