1. Endotracheal tube indication
...a. Airway protection
...b. Ventilator (especially hypoxic respiratory failure)
...c. Sputum suction
2. 插管時Blade的大小不確定時,可以先試試拿4號的來比一下
3. 插管成功後SpO2上升、BP下降,可能是因為
...a. 因為打了鎮定劑的關係(Domicum)
...b. Tension pneumothorax
4. 110-(Age/2)=此病人PaO2至少需要的mmHg數
5. Pneumonia的病人常在hydration之後才把真實的病情表現出來,CXR會多出許多pneumonia patches
6. Aveola sac rupture → Pneumomediastitum → Subcutaneous emphysema
7. Hypotension + No response → brain perfusion↓ → match the definition of shock
肺保護策略 (Lung protective strategy)
-低容積(Lower tidal volume)
-低壓力(Lower pressure)
-低吸入氧濃度(Lower FiO2)
-允許性高碳酸血症 (Permissive hypercapnia)