Case Presentation:
Chief complaint
Projectile vomiting once last night.
Present illness
1. 1-month-and-1-day-old male baby
2. He was born to a 33-year-old mother G1P1 at GA 38 weeks on 104/3/14 via NSD.
---The mother had no complication during pregnacy.
3. The baby was noted to have (in 台北榮總)
---left hydrocele
---patent foramen ovale
---left develomental dysplasis of the hip.
4. He had progessively decreased appetite after leaving postpartum center. (100mL → 50-60ml every 4 hours)
5. The born body weight was 3226 gm and turned into 3700 gm in one month.
6. No stool passage for 3 days, and his mother said he had projectile vomiting 3 times last night (4/13)
---color of vomitus was the same as the milk just fed.
Infantile Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis (嬰兒肥厚性幽門狹窄)
1. 注意到這個疾病,最初始通常都是因為nonbilious vomiting,可能也會伴有poor appetite、failure to thrive等情形。
2. 嬰兒從0到1個月大時,應該要增加1公斤重,平均約是1周增加250g。
3. 此疾病通常是在1個月大的時候被診斷出來,而最輕微的症狀約是在3周大的時候就有,不過根據過去案例,1周~5個月大的嬰兒都有可能。
4. 診斷為藉由X光和超音波診斷,當一個1個月大的嬰兒,母親主訴噴射狀嘔吐,腹部可能摸到一棵橄欖狀(約2公分)的腫塊時,即會趕緊做X光和超音波,X光片上可以看到single bubble sign(不過發病初期可能會不好判斷,因為此時還會有部分腸氣);而腹部超音波中,其幽門的肌肉壁>3mm,幽門長度>14mm,就是IHPS了。
5. 當沒有超音波輔助時,也可以做upper GI series,鋇劑(barrium)會在幽門處出現string sign。
6. 治療上,主要先矯正病人的脫水情況,同時作手術治療將幽門擴約肌切開(Pyloromyotomy或又稱為Ramstadt surgery),使胃與十二指腸的通道可以暢通。