中心脊髓症候群 (central cord syndrome)

脊髓半切症候群 (Brown-Séquard syndrome)
-若underlying disease可以控制,癒後佳
-成因:spinal cord tumour, trauma, ischemia, decompression disease(潛水夫病), infectious or inflammatory diseases (tuberculosis or multiple sclerosis).

前脊髓症候群 (anterior spinal cord syndrome)
(Anterior spinal artery syndrome or Beck's syndrome)
-其他症狀如hypotension (orthostatic or frank hypotension), sexual dysfunction, bowel and bladder dysfunction
-成因:最常見為insufficiencies within the aorta,次常見為骨科復健科問題,也有可能是外傷或腫瘤造成,甚至比較少見的血液疾病或血管炎
*主動脈:Aortic aneurysms, dissections, direct trauma to the aorta, surgeries, and atherosclerosis.
*骨科復健科:Acute disc herniation, cervical spondylosis, kyphoscoliosis.
*外傷腫瘤:Damage to the spinal column and neoplasia.
*相對少見:vasculitis, polycythemia, sickle cell disease, decompression sickness, and collagen and elastin disorders.

後脊髓症候群 (posterior spinal cord syndrome)
(喪失two point discrimination + light touch)

-成因:posterior spinal artery受損,造成的原因可能為感染、外傷、血管疾病(aortic aneurysm也會對其有影響)等,有時會發現和新生兒臂叢神經麻痺一起出現




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