紫外線(ultraviolet, UV)有三種
UVA (波長320~400 nm),是穿透力最強的紫外線,到達地表的量最多(約95%),還可以穿過雲層、玻璃,穿透到皮膚真皮層,造成曬黑、曬傷、皮膚癌,也是造成皮膚老化最重要的陽光成分,也因為高穿透力,所以只要是透光的室內、有點陽光的陰天,都要做好UVA的防護!
UVB (波長280~320 nm),波長短也就代表能量高、致癌性強,曬黑、曬傷約為UVA的1000倍,不過能到達地表的量沒有UVA那麼多(約4%),主要存在於中午12點到下午4點之間
UVC (波長200~280 nm),雖然能量比UVB更強,但大多數會被臭氧阻隔,到達地表少(少於1%),所以對人體的危害反而沒那麼重要
PA = protection grades of UVA (日規防曬係數):台灣比較常見到的也是PA,防曬的強弱以加號多寡表示,如PA+表示可以延緩2~4倍曬黑的時間,PA++表示可以延緩4~8倍曬黑的時間,PA+++表示可以延緩8~16倍曬黑的時間,PA++++表示可以延緩16倍以上曬黑的時間(2013年的規定是最高到++++,四個加,如果超過四個,就可能是在唬爛…)
PPD = persistent pigment darkening (歐洲防曬係數):數值的定義為「使用此防曬產品,光線照射後皮膚變黑所需要的時間,和不擦防曬乳皮膚變黑時間的比值」→ PPD 2~4為輕度防護,PPD 4~6為中度防護,PPD 6~8為高度防護
PA+ 約= PPD 2~4
PA++ 約= PPD 4~8
PA+++ 約= PPD 8~16
PA++++ 約= PPD 16以上
When you currently buy sunscreen containing UVA protection in the UK you may notice a UVA star rating on the packaging. The stars range from 0 to 5 and indicate the percentage of UVA radiation absorbed by the sunscreen in comparison to UVB, in other words the ratio between the level of protection afforded by the UVA protection and the UVB protection.
Be aware that if you choose a low SPF it may still have a high level of stars, not because it is providing lots of UVA protection, but because the ratio between the UVA and UVB protection is about the same.
That’s why it’s important to choose a high SPF as well as a high UVA protection (e.g. a high number of stars). Sunscreens that offer both UVA and UVB protection are sometimes called ‘broad spectrum’. A sunscreen with an SPF of 30 and a UVA rating of 4 or 5 stars is generally considered as a good standard of sun protection in addition to shade and clothing.
SPF = Sun Protection Factor = 防曬係數:數字為延長皮膚被曬紅(不是曬黑也不是曬傷喔)的時間,更不是直接代表阻擋紫外線效果的效數,雖然數字越大的確防曬能力越好沒錯,但也不是代表可以大到無限
SPF 20 = 可以阻擋19/20 (95%)UVB = 延緩20倍的曬紅時間
SPF 30 = 可以阻擋29/30 (96.6%)UVB = 延緩30倍的曬紅時間
SPF 40 = 可以阻擋39/40 (97.5%)UVB = 延緩40倍的曬紅時間
SPF 50 = 可以阻擋49/50 (98%)UVB = 延緩50倍的曬紅時間