雜七雜八triad part 2
Pancoast’s triad: (可見於pancoast tumor)
-Excruciating pain in the arm (難以忍受的疼痛)
-Horner’s syndrome (瞳孔縮小,眼瞼下垂,半邊顏面無汗)
-Erosion of ribs
Prune belly triad: (可見於皺梅腹症候群)
Prune belly syndrome是一種罕見基因遺傳疾病(1 in 40,000 births),尤其影響泌尿系統,也可能看見先天性心臟病或其他腸胃道異常
-Cryptorchidism (隱睪症)
-Abdominal wall defects
-Genitourinary defects
Mackler’s triad: (可見於Boerhaave syndrome)
-Chest pain
-Subcutaneous emphysema
Triad of Sandblom: (可見於膽道出血hemobilia)
Galezia triad: (可見於原因不明的纖維瘤疾病)
-Dupuytren’s contracture
-Retroperitoneal fibrosis
-Peyronie’s disease of penis (陰莖纖維瘤病)
(其實也可以再加一個蹠纖維瘤病(plantar fibromatosis或Ledderhose disease),可能會一起看到)
※Dupuytren’s contracture: 纖維化疾病,可發現手掌筋膜緩慢進行性增厚和短縮,並導致手指攣縮,特別是掌指關節(MCP)關節或近端指間關節(PIP)關節衰弱。這種情況通常會影響第四指(無名指)和第五指(小拇指)。
Dieulafoy’s triad: (可見於appendicitis)
-Hypersensitiveness of skin
-Reflex muscular contraction
-Mac Burney’s tenderness
Triad of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (可見於Bochdalek hernia或Morgagni's henia)
-Respiratory distress
-Apparent dextrocardia
-Scaphoid abdomen