Durgs Used in Asthma
Beta Agonists
- Mechanism of Action:
- Selective β2 agonist
- Effects:
- Prompt, efficacious bronchodilation
- Clinical Applications:
- Asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Drug of choice in acute asthmatic bronchospasm
- Pharmacokinetics, Toxicities:
- Aerosol inhalation
- Duration: several hours
- Also available for nebulizer and parenteral use
- Toxicity:
- Tremor and tachycardia
- Arrhythmia in overdose
- Mechanism of Action:
- Selective β2 agonist
- Effects:
- Slow onset
- Primarily preventive action
- Potentiates (enhanced) corticosteroid effects
- Clinical Applications:
- Asthma prophylaxis
- Pharmacokinetics, Toxicities:
- Aerosol inhalation
- Duration: 12~24 hours
- Toxicity:
- Tremor and tachycardia
- Arrhythmia in overdose
Metaproterenol, terbutaline: like albuterol, and terbutaline available as an oral drug
Formoterol: like salmeterol
- Mechanism of Action:
- Non-selective α and β agonist
- Effects:
- Bronchodilation plus all other sympathomimetic effects on cardiovascular and other organ systems
- Clinical Applications:
- Anaphylaxis and asthma (rarely used for asthma while selective β2 agonists available)
- Pharmacokinetics, Toxicities:
- Aerosol, nebulizer or parenteral use
- Mechanism of Action:
- Non-selective β agonist (β1 and β2 agonist)
- Effects:
- Bronchodilation plus powerful cardiovascular effects
- Clinical Applications:
- Asthma, but selective β2 agonists preferred
- Pharmacokinetics, Toxicities:
- Aerosol, nebulizer, or parenteral use
Corticosteroids (inhaled)
- Mechanism of Action:
- Alter gene expression
- Effects:
- Reduces mediator of inflammation
- Powerful prophylaxis of exacerbations
- Clinical Applications:
- Asthma
- Adjunct in COPD
- Hay fever (nasal)
- Pharmacokinetics, Toxicities:
- Aerosol
- Duration: hours
- Toxicity: (limited by aerosol application)
- Candida infection
- Vocal cord changes
Beclomethasone, budesonide, flunisolide, others: like fluticasone
Corticosteroids (systemic)
- Mechanism of Action:
- Like fluticasone
- Effects:
- Like fluticasone
- Clinical Applications:
- Asthma
- Adjunct in COPD
- Pharmacokinetics, Toxicities:
- Oral
- Duration: 12~24 hours
- Toxicity: multiple adverse effect
- Indigestion or heartburn
- Increased appetite, which could lead to weight gain
- Difficulty sleeping
- Changes in mood and behaviour, such as feeling irritable or anxious
- An increased risk of infections – especially chickenpox, shingles and measles
- High blood sugar or diabetes
- Weakening of the bones (osteoporosis)
- High blood pressure
- Cushing's syndrome – symptoms such as thin skin that bruises easily, stretch marks on the thighs, and fat deposits in the face
- Eye conditions, such as glaucoma and cataracts
- Mental health problems, such as depression or suicidal thoughts
Methylprednisolone: parenteral agent like prednisone
Stabilizers of Mast and Other Cells
Cromolyn, nedocromil
- Mechanism of Action:
- Alter function of delayed chloride channels
- Inhibits inflammatory cell activation
- Effects:
- Prevents acute bronchospasm
- Clinical Applications:
- Asthma (other routes used for ocular, nasal, and gastrointestinal allergy)
- Pharmacokinetics, Toxicities:
- Aerosol
- Duration: 6~8 hours
- Toxicity: (minimal) cough
- Not absorbed so other toxicities are minimal
- Mechanism of Action:
- Uncertain
- Phosphodiesterase inhibition
- Adenosine receptor antagonist
- Effects:
- Bronchodilation, cardiac stimulation, increased skeletal muscle strength (diaphragm)
- Clinical Applications:
- Asthma, COPD
- Pharmacokinetics, Toxicities:
- Oral
- Duration: 8~12 hours but extended-release preparations often used
- Toxicity: multiple
- Acid-base imbalance
- Chest pain or discomfort
- Dizziness
- Fainting
- Fast, slow, or irregular heartbeat
- Increase in urine volume
- Lightheadedness
- Persistent vomiting
- Pounding or rapid pulse
- Seizures
- Shakiness
Leukotriene Antagonists
Montelukast, zafirlukast
- Mechanism of Action:
- Block leukotriene D4 receptors
- Effects:
- Block airway response to exercise and antigen challenge
- Clinical Applications:
- Prophylaxis of asthma, especially in children and in aspirin-induced asthma
- Pharmacokinetics, Toxicities:
- Oral
- Duration: hours
- Toxicity: minimal
Zileution: inhibits lipoxygenase, reduces synthesis of leukotrienes
IgE Antibody
- Mechanism of Action:
- Humanized IgE antibody reduces circulating IgE
- Effects:
- Reduces frequency of asthma exacerbations
- Clinical Applications:
- Severe asthma inadequately controlled by above agents
- Pharmacokinetics, Toxicities:
- Parenteral
- Duration: 2~4 days
- Toxicity: injection site reactions (anaphylaxis extremely rare)
※在相對低劑量(prednisone 40~80mg QD)、十天內的類固醇治療,可以在療程結束後直接停止,不須遞減劑量