兒科的個人簡史Brief History of Pediatrics
= 其中應該要包含:出生史、餵食狀況、疫苗史、生長與發育、過去史、家族史
生長與發育Growth and Development
= 體重、身高、頭圍在正常生長曲線上,位於第3至第97百分位(the third to the 97th percentile) 為正常
= 這些生長參數與遺傳有關,父母體重與身高的平均值可大致上作為小孩的正常生長預測值,頭大與前額突出(frontal bossing)都可能與遺傳有關
= 突然極度增加或減少百分位,代表異常狀況
= 早產兒在產後初期不能以一般的生長曲線直接比對,尤以極度早產兒為然。可以將產後年齡減去提早出生的週數後,再比對生長曲線,此稱為校正之產後年齡(corrected postnatal age)
= 這種校正對頭圍必須做到18個月,體重到24個月,身高到40個月
= 營養不良等後天因素,最容易影響到體重,其次身高,再其次為頭圍
= 一般正常兒童的發育情形可分為細動作、粗動作、語言、人際社會等:
平均月齡 |
Gross motor |
Fine motor |
Language |
Personal-social |
2 |
head steady in sitting |
follow past the midline |
smile in response to face, voice |
3 |
head control |
follow in circular pattern |
smile spontaneously |
4 |
roll front to back |
reach for objects |
stare at own hand |
5 |
rolls back to front |
hold 1-in. cube |
distinguish strangers from family |
6 |
sit leaning forward on arms |
transfer object hand to hand, palmar grasp |
monosyllabic babble |
displeased when toy removed |
7 |
sit erect briefly |
actively shake rattle |
bite and chew on toy |
8-9 |
crawling |
thumb-finger grasp |
“mama” or “baba” nonspecifically |
inhibit to “no”, uncover toy |
12-13 |
walk alone |
turn pages of book; scribble |
speak first real word |
hug doll or animal |
15-17 |
run |
tower of 2-3 cubes |
4-10 words |
pretend play with doll |
19 |
2-word sentence |
22-24 |
jump with both feet |
tower of 6-7 cubes |
3-word sentence |
indicate toilet need, feed self |
30 |
going upstairs |
tower of 8-9 cubes |
multiple-word sentence, refer to self as “I” |
put on shoes and pants |
36 |
pedals tricycle, stand on one foot-2 sec |
tower of 10 cubes, copy vertical & horizontal stroke, copy circle |
give name and own gender |
toilet training, dressed with supervision |
48 |
hop on one foot |
copy cross |
understand color, opposite, preposition; ask questions |
dress without supervision |
= 嬰兒大多在5-7月左右長第一顆牙齒(mandibular central incisors),在6-7歲換第一顆恆齒,但是其個人差異很大而與遺傳因素有關,與智力、鈣質無直接相關
= 出生就有的牙齒稱為natal teeth,一個月以內出現的牙齒稱為neonatal teeth,發生率約為1/2000-3000,大多是兩顆下門牙,除非影響到吸奶,否則不須處理
= 長牙齒的時候,體溫有時候會稍高,但是大多只稍微超過攝氏三十八度,而且只持續一天
過去史Past history
= 重大疾病、住院、開刀、藥物與食物過敏
家族史Family history
= 畫出至少三代,男性以□表示,女性以○表示,性別不明者以菱形表示
= 夫妻將男性畫於左方
= 流產以實心小標誌表示
= 以塗黑四分之一的方式表示疾病
= 死亡者畫斜線或叉,旁邊加註死因
= 個案本人以斜箭頭標示