雜七雜八triad part 4
Carney's triad: (罕見,可見於年輕女性)
-Functioning adrenal para ganglioma (nonfamilial)
-Gastric leiomyosarcoma (GIST)
-Pulmonary chondroma
(目前被認為是一種特別的multiple endocrine neoplasia, MEN,致病原因不明)
※和Carney complex不完全一樣,雖然它也是機轉不確定,且懷疑和ME
※和Carney–Stratakis syndrome不完全一樣,在討論由germline mutations in the mitochondrial tumor suppressor gene造成的GIST
Triad of Ohashi: (可見於ERCP看到的胰臟乳頭狀病變)
尤其是胰管內乳頭狀粘液性腫瘤Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN)
-A bulging ampulla of Vater
-Mucin secretion
-Dilated main pancreatic duct
Haimovici triad of revascularization of an acutely ischemic limb
-Muscle infarction
-Acute renal failure
Triad of small bowel obstruction in X-ray
-Dilated small bowel loops >3 cm
-Multiple air fluid levels in erect X-ray
-Paucity of air in the colon
Gilroy Bevan triad of adhesive pain:
-Pain may get aggravated or relieved on change of posture.
-Pain in the region of old abdominal scar
-Tenderness is induced by pressure over the scar.