5歲大男童騎著三輪車在馬路上被汽車撞擊,送至急診室後他抱怨腹部疼痛,血壓為54/30 mmHg,心跳為170/分鐘,患者體重為28公斤,此時最適當的輸液復甦方式為:

A. 先輸注280 cc的生理食鹽水,血壓持續偏低再每1小時輸注100cc的生理食鹽水。

B. 先輸注560cc的生理食鹽水,血壓持續偏低再輸注560cc紅血球濃厚液(packed RBC)。

C. 先輸注560cc的生理食鹽水,血壓持續偏低再輸注280cc的紅血球濃厚液。

D. 先輸注560cc的生理食鹽水,必要時可再重覆輸注1~2次,血壓持續偏低再輸注280cc的紅血球濃厚液。

E. 先輸注2升的生理食鹽水,血壓持續偏低再輸注560cc紅血球濃厚液。


Ans: D.


Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine, 2016, 8th Edition
Chapter 110 Pediatric Trauma,


原文:For compensated or uncompensated shock, give a rapid infusion of crystalloid (20 mL/kg of normal saline or lactated Ringers solution). Give two to three boluses rapidly as needed, ideally within 5 minutes each using an automated rapid infuser, a frequently monitored pressure bag, or the hand push and pull method.After two to three crystalloid boluses, consider 10 mL/kg boluses of warmed O-negative blood.


處置(簡略翻譯):當病童陷入非代償性的低血容休克時,每一公斤體重快速給予20mL晶體溶液,可以總共給2~3次,給過晶體溶液後,考慮輸血每一公斤體重10mLpacked RBC




Initial approach to the patient in shock
VIP rules:
-- V: ventilate (oxygen administration)
-- I: infuse (fluid resuscitation)
-- P: pump (administartion of vasoactive agents)
Vincent JL et al. N Engl J Med 2013;369:1726-34.

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