A. 頭部電腦斷層掃描(CT)
B. 在急診室觀察30分鐘
C. 照頭部X光片、放置顱內壓監測器,隨後住院觀察
D. 照頭部X光片,如果影像報告是陰性的,可以立即放心回家
E. 照頭部X光片,如果影像報告是陰性的,請患者在急診室觀察2小時
Ans: A.
Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine, 2016, 8th Edition
Chapter 110 Pediatric Trauma, p707~709
Chapter 138 Head Injury in Infants and Children, p907~908
Ch 110:
Plain films of the skull have limited use in the evaluation of pediatric head trauma except in children less than 2 years old in whom they are an acceptable screening tool for fractures when there is a large, usually boggy scalp hematoma noted on physical examination. However, if a skull fracture is identified by plain film, obtain a CT scan to rule out an intracranial injury, as there is a four- to six-fold risk of intracranial pathology associated with skull fracture. A four-view series is recommended and consists of anteroposterior, right and left lateral, and Towne (30-degree caudal angulation) views. Plain films can be difficult to interpret due to normal cranial sutures and may miss as many as 25% of skull fractures, and plain films have a low sensitivity for intracranial injuries.
Ch 138:
The Canadian Assessment of Tomography for Childhood Head Injury (CATCH) study identifies factors associated with high risk for significant intracranial injury requiring neurosurgical intervention among 3866 children <16 years of age presenting to the ED within 24 hours of minor head injury defined as GCS of 13 to 15 with witnessed loss of consciousness, vomiting, amnesia, and disorientation or irritability. High-risk children were those with GCS <15 2 hours after injury, suspected open or depressed skull fracture, worsening headache, or irritability. Medium-risk children were defined as those with signs of basilar skull fracture, a large, boggy scalp hematoma, or a dangerous mechanism of injury (fall >1 meter or five stairs, motor vehicle collision, or fall from a bicycle without a helmet). Using these criteria, the CATCH rule had a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 70% for identifying highrisk patients who require surgical intervention and 98% and 50% for identifying a CT abnormality among medium-risk patients.
結論處置(簡略翻譯):在小於2歲的病童,顱骨X光有其診斷的價值,要照前後、左右和Towne view (背對桌面,OML垂直桌面,X光放射端(tube)向腳轉30度),但要注意會有25%的顱骨骨折可能無法由X光判斷,而且有顱骨骨折的病童,「一定」要做腦部電腦斷層,此為高風險。
※OML = Orbitomeatal line = 眼眶耳道線
Canadian Assessment of Tomography for Childhood Head Injury (CATCH)
高度風險 |
中度風險 |
受傷後兩小時仍然GCS < 15 |
基底顱骨骨折(basilar skull fracture) |