PCDAI (Pediatric Crohn’s disease activity index)
若總分10~27.5分,代表輕微(mild Crohn’s disease)
若總分27.5~37.5分,代表中度(moderate Crohn’s disease)
若總分>37.5分,代表嚴重(severe Crohn’s disease)
※與成人使用的Crohn’s disease activity index, CDAI為不一樣的評估
History (Recall, 1 week) 病史(過去一周)
- Abdominal Pain腹痛
- 0 = None (無)
- 5 = Mild: Brief, does not interfere with activities (輕微: 短暫,不影響活動)
- 10 = Moderate/ Severe: Daily, longer lasting, affects activities, nocturnal (中度/嚴重:每天,持續較長時間,影響活動,夜間痛)
- Patient Functioning, General Well-Being 病人的功能、一般健康狀況
- 0 = No limitation of activities, well (活動自主,狀況良好)
- 5 = Occasional difficulty in maintaining age-appropriate activities, below par (維持該年齡應有的活動偶爾會有困難,低於平均值)
- 10 = Frequent limitation of activity, very poor (活動經常受限,非常虛弱)
- Stools (per day)糞便(每天)
- 0 = 0-1 liquid stools, no blood (0-1次流質糞便,沒有血絲)
- 5 = Up to 2 semiformed with small blood, or 2-5 liquid (最多2次的半成形及輕微血絲糞便,或是2-5次流質糞便)
- 10 = Gross bleeding, or ≥ 6 liquid, or nocturnal diarrhea (血便,或多於6次流質糞便,或夜間腹瀉)
Laboratory 檢驗值
- HCT血比容
- < 10 years (Male and Female): (< 10 歲 (男/女))
- 0 = > 33%
- 2.5 = 28%-32%
- 5 = < 28%
- 11-14 years (Male): (11-14歲 (男))
- 0 = ≥ 35%
- 2.5 = 30%-34%
- 5 = < 30%
- 11-19 years (Female): (11-19歲 (女))
- 0 = ≥ 34%
- 2.5 = 29%-33%
- 5 = < 29%
- 15-19 years (Male): (15-19 歲 (男))
- 0 = ≥ 37%
- 2.5 = 32%-36%
- 5 = < 32%
- < 10 years (Male and Female): (< 10 歲 (男/女))
- ESR紅血球沈降速率
- 0 = < 20 mm/hr
- 2.5 = 20-50 mm/hr
- 5 = > 50 mm/hr
- Albumin白蛋白
- 0 = ≥ 3.5 g/dL
- 5 = 3.1-3.4 g/dL
- 10 = ≤ 3.0 g/dL
- Weight體重
- 0 = Weight gain or voluntary weight stable/loss (體重增加,或刻意維持的體重/刻意減重)
- 5 = Involuntary weight stable, weight loss 1%-9% (非刻意維持的體重,體重降低1%-9%)
- 10 = Weight loss ≥ 10% (體重降低10%)
- Height 身高
- Height at Diagnosis診斷時身高
- 0 = < 1 channel decrease (< 1 間距(channel)減少)
- 5 = ≥ 1, < 2 channel decrease (< 2間距(channel)減少)
- 10 = > 2 channel decrease (>2間距(channel)減少)
- Height at Follow-Up 追蹤時身高
- 0 = Height velocity ≥ -1 SD (身高生長速度 ≥ -1 個標準差)
- 5 = Height velocity < -1 SD, > -2 SD (身高生長速度介於-1~ -2 個標準差)
- 10 = Height velocity ≤ -2 SD (身高生長速度≤ -2個標準差)
- Height at Diagnosis診斷時身高
- Abdomen腹部
- 0 = No tenderness, no mass (沒有壓痛、沒有腫塊)
- 5 = Tenderness or mass without tenderness (有壓痛,或有不痛的腫塊)
- 10 = Tenderness, involuntary guarding, definite mass (有壓痛,觸診時不自主的防衛,有明顯的腫塊)
- Perirectal Disease直腸周邊的疾病
- 0 = None, asymptomatic tags (沒有,無症狀的贅瘤(表皮小肉球))
- 5 = 1-2 indolent fistula, scant drainage, no tenderness (1-2 個不痛的廔管,少量流出分泌物, 沒有壓痛)
- 10 = Active fistula, drainage, tenderness, or abscess (活動性廔管,有流出分泌物,有壓痛或是膿瘡)
- Extraintestinal Manifestations腸道外症狀
Fever ≥ 38.5°C for 3 days over past week, definite arthritis, uveitis, E. nodosum, P. gangrenosum (在過去一周發燒≥ 38.5°C至少3天、關節炎、虹膜炎、結節性紅斑(Erythema nodosum)、壞疽性膿皮症(pyoderma gangrenosum))- 0 = None (無)
- 5 = 1 (有一個)
- 10 = ≥ 2 (有兩個以上症狀)