
  1. 異生組織(正常組織長在不正常的位置) choristoma/heterotopia、過誤瘤hamartoma (excessive but focal overgrowth of cells and tissues)
  2. 血管瘤
    • 最常見的幼兒良性腫瘤
    • 幼兒型血管瘤(juvenile hemangioma),臉及頭皮常見,多會自行退化
    • Nevus flammeus及酒色斑(port-wine stains)為皮膚血管擴張,非腫瘤
      1. Nevus flammeus傾向於自行退化
      2. Port-wine stains傾向不會自行退化,而且可能為Sturge-Weber (cephalotrigerminal angiomatosis)症候群的表現之一,所以需要詳查腦內是否有其他血管病變
      3. VHL (von Hippel-Lindau disease)染色體3p缺陷,有腎細胞癌、小腦血管母細胞瘤、嗜鉻細胞瘤等
  3. 淋巴瘤
    • 最常見於頸肩部
    • 大腫塊稱為cystic hygroma,可見於透納氏症
  4. Sarcrococcygeal teratomas
    • 可以一並參考
    • 嬰幼兒teratoma最多的部位占約40%,其次為CNS teratomas,第三為mediastinal teratomas
    • 女嬰的發生率為男嬰的4
    • 75%為良性,12%含有yolk sac tumor13%immature teratoma
    • 約有10%的病童伴有其他先天異常



  1. 幼兒最常見的惡性腫瘤為白血病,其次為顱內腫瘤,第三為神經母細胞瘤(neuroblastoma)和威姆氏瘤(Wilms’ tumor)
  2. 惡性肉瘤(sarcoma)中,常見的為embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (好發於小於五歲的女童陰道)Ewing sarcoma (約十多歲發生,骨之未分化瘤)、骨肉瘤(osteosarcoma)
  3. Neuroblastoma神經母細胞瘤
    • 小於一歲的幼兒最常見的惡性非顱內實質腫瘤
    • 最常發生於adrenal medulla,其餘地點則是沿著sympathetic chain,可發生肝臟、肺臟、骨骼、眼眶周圍轉移
    • 臨床可發現腹部腫塊、轉移(骨骼或不明原因疼痛、眼眶瘀血)、神經壓迫(膀胱功能失調)、高血壓(兒茶酚胺)
    • 可能成熟轉變為ganglioneuroma
    • 形態學:小藍圓細胞、Homer-Wright pseudorosettes、鈣化
    • 分期INSS系統(international neuroblastoma staging system)
      1. 一期:局部腫瘤可以完全切除,除了與腫瘤完全相鄰的淋巴結以外,無淋巴結侵犯
        Localized tumor confined to the area of origin; complete gross resection, with or without microscopic residual disease; ipsilateral lymph nodes negative for tumor.
      2. A期:局部腫瘤無法完全切除,但除了與腫瘤完全相鄰的淋巴結以外,無淋巴結侵犯
        Localized tumor with incomplete gross resection; representative ipsilateral nonadherent lymph nodes negative for tumor.
      3. B期:局部腫瘤,不論是否可以完全切除,有同側非黏連淋巴結轉移,但無對側淋巴結轉移
        Localized tumor with or without complete gross resection, with ipsilateral nonadherent lymph nodes positive for tumor; enlarged contralateral lymph nodes negative for tumor.
      4. 三期:無法切除的腫瘤且已經穿越中線,或有對側淋巴結轉移,或位於身體中線的腫瘤往身體兩側浸潤、兩側淋巴結侵犯
        Unresectable unilateral tumor infiltrating across the midline, with or without regional lymph node involvement; or localized unilateral tumor with contralateral regional lymph node involvement; or midline tumor with bilateral extension by infiltration or by lymph node involvement.
      5. 四期:其他非4S其所定義的遠端淋巴結或遠處器官轉移
        Any primary tumor with dissemination to distant lymph nodes (except as defined for stage 4S).
      6. S期:發病時小於一歲,且局部符合一期或二期的敘述,合併局限性的皮膚、肝臟、骨髓轉移
        (1) Localized primary tumor (as defined for stage 1, 2A, or 2B), with dissemination. (2) Limited to skin, liver, and/or bone marrow. (3) Within 1 year old.
    • 風險分期INRGSS系統(international neuroblastoma risk group staging system)
      1. L1期:局部腫瘤,影像學無危險因子且僅限於單一身體部位
      2. L2期:局部腫瘤,有一個或一個以上的影像學危險因子
      3. M期:有遠端轉移(MS除外)
      4. MS期:發病時小於18月齡,且腫瘤限轉移至皮膚、肝臟、骨髓
    • 治療方法
      1. 第一二期大多僅需要手術切除即可,若有殘餘腫瘤,則需要加上化學治療或局部放射線治療
      2. 若為第三期,則需要擴大放射線治療的區域,包括周圍地方或整個淋巴結,並合併化學治療
      3. 第四期則需要利用高劑量化學治療,儘量將腫瘤減至最小最少量後,盡可能的手術切除乾淨,搭配自體造血幹細胞移植治療
      4. S期只需要給予低劑量化學治療,並以放射線輔助治療減少轉移部位引起的併發症即可(例如減少肝臟腫大等問題)
    • 預後好的因子
      1. 年齡小於18月齡
      2. 良好組織型態且有ganglion分化
      3. INSS分期低(第一二或四S)
      4. N-Myc amplification
      5. Hyperdiploid or near-triploid DNA content
      6. 無第一對染色體短臂缺失、第十七對長臂增加、第十一對長臂缺失(no 1p loss, 17q gain, 11q loss)
      7. High expression of Trk-A (neurotrophin receptor,為RTK的一種)
      8. Trk-B的表現
      9. 血清鐵蛋白、神經元特異性烯醇、乳酸脫氫酶正常(normal serum ferritin, NSE (neuron specific enolase), LDH)
      10. High urinary VMA/HVA ration
  4. Wilms’ tumor
    • 最常見的小兒原發性腎腫瘤,最常在二到五歲間被診斷,少見於三個月以前
    • 臨床上可見單側腹部腫瘤(只有約5%為雙側)、血尿、腹痛、腸道阻塞、肺轉移
    • 病理基因學:
      1. WAGR syndrome (Wilms’ tumor、無虹膜症、生殖泌尿道異常、致力低下)heterozygous deletion of chromosome 11p13 WT-1 gene
      2. Denys-Drash syndrome (萎縮的性腺、腎衰竭、生殖器不明顯、Wilms’ tumor機率上升)missense dominant point mutation in 11p13
      3. Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (hemihypertrophy and organomegaly),染色體11p15.5 WT-2 gene, genomic imprinting
      4. Beta-catenin
      5. 雖然WT-1基因在家族性案例角色很明顯,但sporadic也有約10%WT-2基因非單一基因,為一群(cluster)多基因,與BWS最相關的是IGF2的過度表現(喪失母源印記(imprinting)或雙父源(uniparental disomy, UPD))
    • Nephrogenic rests為癌前病灶,約25~40%腫瘤旁可見,會增加另一側發生腫瘤的機會
    • 形態學:典型三相(triphasic)
      1. Blastema (小藍圓細胞)
      2. Epithelial element (abortive tubules or glomeruli)(上皮相)
      3. Stromal element (smooth muscle, cartilage, adipose tissue, squamous or mucinous epithelium, bone and neural tissue)(間質相)
    • 有約5%型態上呈現未分化(anaplasia),為預後較差的指標,具化療抗性,與p53的突變相關
    • 可能相關的腫瘤
      1. 骨及軟組織肉瘤(sarcoma)
      2. 白血病、淋巴瘤
      3. 腦或腸胃道腫瘤
      4. 會隨著年齡的增長,各種癌症好發的機率都會比常人高
    • 分期及治療
      1. Stage I (43%)
        腫瘤局限在腎臟內(Tumor is limited to the kidney and is completely excised)
        單純腎切除手術(Simple nephrectomy),只切除腎,不清掃淋巴及周圍組織;或全腎切除手術(Radical nephrectomy),淋巴及周圍組織做病理。術後做化學治療18
      2. Stage II (21%)
        全腎切除手術(Radical nephrectomy)以切除整個腎及周圍組織,附近淋巴結也須清掃,之後做化學治療24(Nephrectomy + abdominal radiation + 24 weeks of chemotherapy)
      3. Stage III (21%)
        腫瘤已侵犯腎外組織、淋巴結、腹膜(Unresectable primary tumorLymph node metastasisTumor is present at surgical marginsTumor spillage involving peritoneal surfaces either before or during surgery, or transected tumor thrombus)
        放射治療及化學藥物治療後再做全腎切除手術(Radical nephrectomy)+ (Abdominal radiation + 24 weeks of chemotherapy + nephrectomy after tumor shrinkage)
      4. Stage IV (10%)
        腫瘤轉移到肺、肝、骨、腦等器官(hematogenous metastases(lung,liver, bone, orbrain), or lymph node metastases outside theabdomenopelvic region)
        手術切除+放射線治療+化學治療,轉移處放射線治療(Nephrectomy + abdominal radiation + 24 weeks of chemotherapy + radiation of metastatic site as appropriate)
      5. Stage V (5%)
        兩側腎腫瘤(bilateral renal involvement at the time of initial diagnosis should be made to stage each side according to the above criteria (stage I to III) on the basis of extent of disease prior to biopsy)
        個體化治療(Individualized therapy based on tumor burden)。一般先做幾次化學治療,然後再將最嚴重的腎做全腎切除,但必須先確認另一側腎功能健全。一側腎切除後,另一側腎的病灶則視情況,做腫瘤切除或部份腎切除(Partial nephrectomy)。化學治療及放射線治療是必須的
    • 預後
      1. Stage I (43% of patients)
        (1)98% 4-year survival
        (2)85% 4-year survival if anaplastic
      2. Stage II (23% of patients)
      3. (1)96% 4-year survival
        (2)70% 4-year survival if anaplastic
      4. Stage III (23% of patients)
      5. (1)95% 4-year survival
        (2)56% 4-year survival if anaplastic
      6. Stage IV (10% of patients)
      7. (1)90% 4-year survival
        (2)17% 4-year survival if anaplastic
      8. Stage V (5% of patients)
      9. (1)The 4-year survival was 94%advanced lesion was stage I or stage II
        advanced lesion was stage III



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