Boey score
= 主要以三個危險因子來預測病人的致死率。
= 以上三項,一項為1分,最高3分,最低0分
Boey |
併發症 |
死亡率 |
腹腔鏡手術轉換率 |
0 |
11% |
1% |
21% |
1 |
47% |
8% |
30% |
2 |
75% |
33% |
80% |
3 |
77% |
38% |
不建議腹腔鏡 |
(Morbidity and Mortality) Adapted from: Varut Lohsiriwat, Siriluck Prapasrivorakul, et al. Perforated peptic ulcer: clinical presentation, surgical outcomes, and the accuracy of the Boey scoring system in predicting postoperative morbidity and mortality. World J Surg. 2009 Jan;33(1):80-5
(Conversion)參考自台灣部分醫學中心的統計資料,Boey 0的conversion rate應該有被高估,待更多嚴謹的研究資料以做修正
= 腹腔鏡對於潰瘍穿孔,可以同時提供確切的診斷和治療,但並非所有消化性潰瘍穿孔的病人都適合做腹腔鏡修補術,所以在術前解釋時,務必提及從腹腔鏡手術轉為傳統開腹手術的可能,以避免和病人或家屬產生衝突
= 以下幾個術前即可知道的情形,多半不適合腹腔鏡手術
--- Boey score 2以上
--- 年齡大於70歲
--- 發作(穿孔)時間超過一天
--- 破洞大於1公分
--- 生命徵象不穩定
= 而手術中也會因為潰瘍穿孔的位置難以到達、術中才發現的破洞過大、潰瘍邊緣組織脆弱、嚴重腹腔內污染等狀況,須轉換成傳統剖腹術式
Peptic Ulcer Perforation (PULP) score
= PULP評分系統包含以下幾個項目(最低0分,最高18分)
項目 |
得分 |
年齡 |
Age over 65 years old |
3 |
癌症或AIDS |
Co-morbid active malignant disease or AIDS |
1 |
肝硬化 |
Co-morbid liver cirrhosis |
2 |
類固醇 |
Concomitant use of steroids |
1 |
休克 |
Shock on admission |
1 |
穿孔時間 |
Time from perforation to admission > 24 h |
1 |
腎功能 |
Serum creatinine > 130 μmol/L (1.5 mg/dL) |
2 |
麻醉評估 |
ASA score 2 |
1 |
ASA score 3 |
3 |
ASA score 4 |
5 |
ASA score 5 |
7 |
= 休克的定義(Shock on admission)
--- blood pressure < 100 mmHg and heart rate > 100 beats per min
= PULP評分最低0分,最高18分,以評估手術死亡率
--- 0~7分為低風險Low risk (< 25%
--- 8~18分為高風險High risk (> 25%)
Adapted from Noppawan Nichakankitti, Jadsada Athigakunagorn, et al. The accuracy of prognostic scoring systems for post-operative morbidity and mortality in patients with perforated peptic ulcer. International Surgery Journal. 2016 Feb;3(1):286-290
ASA Score
= Class 1: Normal Healthy Individual
= Class 2: Mild systemic disease with no functional limitation
= Class 3: Patient has severe systemic disease that is not incapacitating
= Class 4: Patient has incapacitating disease that is constant threat to life
= Class 5: A Moribund patient who is not expected to live 24 hour with or without surgery
= Class 6: A brain dead patient
= 肺炎(pneumonia) 3.6~30%
= 傷口感染(wound infection) 10~17%
= 泌尿道感染(urinary tract infection) 1.4~15%
= 吻合處滲漏(anastomosis leakage) 2~16%
= 腹內膿瘍(intra-abdominal abscess) 0~9%
= 腸阻塞(ileus) 2~4%
= 廔管(fistula) 0.5~4%
= 傷口癒合不全(wound dehiscence) 2.5~6%
= 出血(hemorrhage) 0.6%
= 再次手術(re-operation) 2~9%
= 敗血症(sepsis) 2.5%
= 死亡(mortality) 5~11%