Central venous catherization/cannulation
適應症(indications for central venous cannulation)
= 為了測量中央靜脈壓central venous pressure monitoring
= 肺動脈導管(Swan-Ganz)的放置與監測pulmonary artery catheterization and monitoring
= 經靜脈心臟起搏transvenous cardiac pacing
= 暫時性血液透析temporary hemodialysis
= 藥物給予drug administration
--- 高濃度的血管作用性藥物concentrated vasoactive drugs
--- 高營養物質hyperalimentation
--- 化療藥物chemotherapy
= 對周邊靜脈刺激性藥物agents irritating to peripheral veins
= 需長期的經靜脈給予抗生素治療prolonged intravenous antibiotic therapy ( e.g., endocarditis)
= 快速輸液(經由較大的管路) rapid infusion of fluids ( via large bore)
= 創傷或重大手術的病人trauma or major surgery
= 抽吸氣體栓塞aspiration of air emboli
= 無法建立周邊管路inadequate peripheral intravenous access
= Arm and facial edema or other manifestations of superior vena cava syndrome.
= Infection or cellulitis over the proposed insertion site.
= Previous surgery in the proposed area. (relative contraindication )
= Bleeding disorders or anticoagulant therapy (relative contra-indication )
= Inability of patient cooperation. (may consider sedation)
放置中央靜脈導管的位置(sites for central venous cannulation)
= Internal jugular vein
= Subclavian vein
= External jugular vein
= Femoral vein
= Axillary vein
右側內頸靜脈的解剖定位(anatomical landmarks for right internal jugular vein)
= 先請病患躺平向左看,露出右側頸部(病患越能夠往左看,或稍微墊高脖子,會有更清楚的解剖定位)
= 若能夠是特倫德倫伯臥位(Trendelenburg position)更佳
--- 意指仰臥、頭低腳高,斜率約為15~30度的姿勢
= 執行者應站於病患頭側
= 鎖骨上緣
= 胸鎖乳突肌的鎖骨頭部(SCM clavicular head)
= 胸鎖乳突肌的胸骨頭部(SCM sternal head)
認識器械(central venous cannulation set)
= Double-lumen catheter (也有些是三腔triple-lumen)
= J-shape guide wire (因為是J形,所以多次來回也會傷到血管內壁,務必小心)
= Puncture needle (中間是空的,可以放入guide wire)
= Probing needle (探路用的,有時會直接跳過,用puncture needle直接找血管,但造成的傷害可能會比較大)
= Introducing dilator (撐開皮膚,讓CVC可以順利放入)
= (此圖中沒有) Catheter over needle (帶中空軟管的針,可以建立一個讓guide wire通過的靜脈管路,替代puncture needle的功能)
內側頸靜脈中央導管放置步驟(procedure for right internal jugular v. cannulation)
= 清潔雙手並戴上口罩及無菌手套
= 以10% povidone-iodine或2% Chlorhexidine gluconate(2% CHG)消毒耳垂至鎖骨區域
--- 亦可疑並消毒至右上側胸部,以利放置不成功時,可轉為右側鎖骨下靜脈中央導管放置
= 周圍舖上無菌單或洞巾
= 找出 carotid artery 位置
--- 建議用超音波定位
--- 若無超音波,carotid artery一般可以在三角中偏SCM sternal head的地方找到
= 找出SCM兩端形成的三角形之頂點位置
= 在預下針之區域作局部麻醉
= 左手輕觸carotid artery,從三角形頂點下方以3 ml空針呈30度角朝同側乳頭方向下針探索
= 若可打中internal jugular vein則定位成功,如無法打中則向內側修正
= 定位後,左手固定不動,右手以puncture needle朝定位方向作穿刺,成功的穿刺定位可以輕易的抽出靜脈血
--- 另一種做法是以catheter over needle穿刺定位後推入軟管
= 平順的把guide wire從針筒末端放入(理論上阻力相當小)
--- 從針筒末端放入,針筒末端應位於刻度2~3之間
--- 從軟管末端放入,軟管末端應位於刻度1~2之間
= 抽出針頭針筒,將dilator從guide wire放入後,以左右旋轉的方式撐開皮下組織(不建議撐開太深,以免造成出血或血腫)
※切勿過度用力而使guide wire彎折!
= 從guide wire將中央靜脈導管放入血管之中,直到guide wire從棕色出口出來,才可將中央靜脈導管深入皮膚
※右手抓住從棕色出口冒出的guide wire後,再讓中央靜脈導管進入病人體,此法可避免guide wire過於深入體內無法取出!
※此過程不應讓guide wire滑出病患體表,請隨時注意刻度位置
= 將catheter放置於適當位置,再將guide wire完全抽出
--- (成人)右側內頸靜脈約15公分,右鎖骨下靜脈約14~15公分
--- (成人)左側內頸靜脈約17~18公分,左鎖骨下靜脈約16~18公分
= 以空針抽掉位於catheter內的空氣(以血液充滿整個導管為準)
--- 避免air embolism
= 以生理食鹽水將中央靜脈導管管腔沖洗乾淨
= 建議以縫線固定中央靜脈導管
= 以酒精棉枝清潔並塗上藥膏後,以透明敷料黏貼固定
鎖骨下靜脈中央導管放置步驟(procedure for subclavian v. cannulation)
= 無菌消毒局部麻醉技術同前述,但消毒的部位從耳下至乳頭
= 下針的位置為鎖骨轉折向後的地方
---一般位於sternal notch外側約1/3鎖骨長度的地方
= 局部麻醉必須沿著鎖骨骨膜
= 沿著鎖骨下緣進針,針頭必須貼緊鎖骨(避免刺到肺部),直到穿刺subclavian vein
= 放入guide wire及dilator等步驟與前述相同
股靜脈中央導管放置步驟(procedure for femoral v. cannulation)
= 無菌消毒局部麻醉技術同前述,消毒的區域以鼠蹊部為主
= 解剖位置上,股靜脈位於股動脈之內
--- 小口訣;鼠蹊從外側道內側,順序為NAVEL (nerve → artery → vein → empty area → lymphatics)
= 以45度角下針,位置為股動脈內側約1~1.5公分處,約為inguinal ligament下方1公分處
= 確定穿刺股靜脈之後,後續步驟方式與前述相同
常見的中央靜脈導管放置併發症(complications of central venous cannulation)
= Inadvertent carotid arterial puncture
= Inadvertent vertebral arterial puncture
= Pneumothorax (may be life threatening)
= Venous air embolism
= Nerve Injury
= Jugular vein thrombosis
= Transient Horner's syndrome