Grading of Hydronephrosis
以下為SFU (Society of Fetal Ultrasound)水腎分級,最初它是被設計為兒科先天性水腎的系統,不過現在成人也是使用此套系統,下面英文的部分是取自
= 第0級(正常)~grade 0 (normal)
- 腎盂無擴張,腎盞壁貼合在一起(no dilatation, calyceal walls are apposed to each other)
= 第1級(輕微)~grade 1 (mild)
- 腎盂輕微擴張,腎盞無擴張(腎外腎盂也是此表現)(dilatation of the renal pelvis (mild) without dilatation of the calyces (can also occur in the extrarenal pelvis))
- 腎實質無萎縮(no parenchymal atrophy)
= 第2級(輕微)~grade 2 (mild)
- 腎盂腎盞輕微擴張,腎盂腎盞的形狀分界尚可辨認(dilatation of the renal pelvis (mild) and calyces (pelvicalyceal pattern is retained))
- 腎實質無萎縮(no parenchymal atrophy)
= 第3級(中度)~grade 3 (moderate)
- 腎盂腎盞擴張(moderate dilatation of the renal pelvis and calyces)
- 腎盞穹窿呈鈍角而不清楚,腎乳突扁平化(blunting of fornices and flattening of papillae)
- 可發現輕微皮質變薄的情形(mild cortical thinning may be seen)
= 第四級(嚴重)~grade 4 (severe)
- 腎盂腎盞明顯擴張且呈球狀(gross dilatation of the renal pelvis and calyces, which appear ballooned)
- 腎盂腎盞的形狀分界難以辨認(loss of borders between the renal pelvis and calyces)
- 腎臟萎縮且皮質變薄(renal atrophy seen as cortical thinning)