尤其是不明原因發燒(fever of unknown origin, FUO)時,務必確認以下細節
節選自Uptodate:Fever of unknown origin in children: Evaluation
Fever pattern
過年十大常見疾病-不明熱 Fever of Unknown Origin (FUO)
http://teachingcenter1.pixnet.net/blog/post/352657529 (1)
http://teachingcenter1.pixnet.net/blog/post/352684238 (2)
http://teachingcenter1.pixnet.net/blog/post/352712312 (3)
http://teachingcenter1.pixnet.net/blog/post/352714538 (4)
發燒史(fever history)
- 是怎麼燒的?發燒是怎麼表現的?
What is the fever pattern?- 關於fever pattern,可以參考http://teachingcenter1.pixnet.net/blog/post/71192703
- 發燒時是否呈現身體不適或其他症狀呢?例如全身無力?
Is the fever associated with ill-appearance or symptoms (eg, malaise)?- 無任何不適的發燒,須思考詐病、假燒的可能
Absence of malaise or other generalized symptoms with high fever may suggest factitious fever. - 但也需要小心長期的低溫燒,病人可能已經習慣這個狀態,沒有特別”額外”的不適感,應仔細記錄病人體溫和臨床表現
- 無任何不適的發燒,須思考詐病、假燒的可能
- 使用退燒藥可以退燒嗎?吃退燒藥有效嗎?
Does the fever respond to antipyretic agents?- 如果對退燒藥物無反應,可能不是感染或風濕性疾病,須思考自律神經功能異常的可能
Lack of response to anti-inflammatory antipyretics may suggest a cause other than infection or rheumatologic disease (eg, familial dysautonomia, ectodermal dysplasia). - 但這並不代表排除了感染和風濕性疾病,相關的詳細檢查不應該忽略,畢竟還是發燒甚至FUO的最常見原因
- 另外劑量不足(體重對劑量算錯)或退燒效果較弱的藥物(acetaminophen的退燒效果一般比ibuprofen差一些),也有可能是退燒藥無效的原因
- 如果對退燒藥物無反應,可能不是感染或風濕性疾病,須思考自律神經功能異常的可能
- 退燒之後,全身性的症狀(如乏力、嗜睡)仍然持續嗎?
Persistence of constitutional/general symptoms after fever abates?- 若持續,則會比較擔心是全身系統性的疾病,可能是嚴重感染、自體免疫等問題
Persistence is worrisome for systemic disease.
- 若持續,則會比較擔心是全身系統性的疾病,可能是嚴重感染、自體免疫等問題
- 發燒時會(大量)盜汗、冒冷汗嗎?
Is there associated sweating with fever?- 若是有,甲狀腺機能亢進務必納入鑑別診斷中
Yes: Hyperthyroidism - 若是完全不會發汗,須想到無汗外胚層發育不全(少見但不能忘掉)
No: Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia
- 若是有,甲狀腺機能亢進務必納入鑑別診斷中
- 退燒時會發汗嗎?
Is there associated sweating with defervescence?- 若退燒時完全不會發汗,假燒、詐病的可能性會提高些
No: Factitious fever
- 若退燒時完全不會發汗,假燒、詐病的可能性會提高些
伴隨的主訴(associated complaints)
- 紅眼Red eyes
- Kawasaki disease
- Leptospirosis
- Tuberculosis
- Infectious mononucleosis
- Tularemia
- 鼻腔(黃綠色)分泌物Nasal discharge
- Rhinosinusitis
- 反覆的咽喉炎合併潰瘍Recurrent pharyngitis with ulcerations
- PFAPA syndrome
- 腸胃道症狀Gastrointestinal complaints
- Salmonellosis
- Intra-abdominal abscess
- Hepatic cat scratch disease
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Leptospirosis
- 四肢或骨骼疼痛Limb or bone pain
- Brucellosis
- Leukemia
- Lymphoma
- Osteomyelitis
- Infantile cortical hyperostosis
- Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease
- 藥物,包含所有處方、非處方(包含中藥)、局部外用藥物等
Medications (prescription or nonprescription, including topical agents)- Drug fever
- Drug fever
- 手術史
Surgery- Abdominal surgery: Intra-abdominal abscess
- Tracheotomy or gastric tube, cochlear implant or other implantable devices: Expanded list of potential pathogens
- 疾病接觸史
Ill-contacts- FUO is usually caused by unusual presentations of common illnesses
- 旅遊史
Travel history, extending back to birth (including tick and insect exposure)- Endemic pathogens, for example: Histoplasmosis, Coccidioidomycosis, Blastomycosis, Leishmaniasis, Malaria, Tuberculosis, Typhoid fever,
- 動物接觸史
Animals (household pets, domestic animals, or wild animals)- 須小心原蟲、寄生蟲感染
- 蚊蟲咬傷而常被遺忘的疾病
- 蜱咬傷Ticks
- Rocky Mountain spotted fever
- Human ehrlichiosis or anaplasmosis
- Tularemia
- Tick-borne relapsing fever
- Lyme disease
- Mosquitos
- Arboviruses (eg, West Nile virus)
- 日本腦炎
- 登革熱
- 白蛉Sand flies
- Leishmaniasis
- 蜱咬傷Ticks
- 節食
Diet- Game meat: Toxoplasmosis, tularemia
- Raw/undercooked meat: Tularemia, brucellosis
- Raw shellfish: Hepatitis
- 異食症(尤其是嗜食泥土的病人)
Pica (specifically eating dirt)- Visceral larva migrans
- Toxoplasmosis
種族或基因差異(ethnic or genetic background)
- Ulster Scot descent
- Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
- Turkish, Armenian, North African Jewish, Arab descent
- Familial Mediterranean fever
- Ashkenazi Jewish descent
- Familial dysautonomia
Clinical features worrisome for malignancy or granulomatous disease in children with peripheral lymphadenopathy
- Systemic symptoms (fever >1 week, night sweats, weight loss [>10% of body weight])
- Supraclavicular (lower cervical) nodes
- Generalized lymphadenopathy
- Fixed nontender nodes in the absence of other symptoms; matted nodes
- Lymph nodes >1 cm with onset in the neonatal period
- Lymph nodes ≥2 cm in diameter that increase in size from baseline or do not respond to two weeks of antibiotic therapy
- Abnormal chest radiograph (particularly mediastinal mass or hilar adenopathy)
- Abnormal complete blood count (eg, lymphoblasts, cytopenias in more than one cell line)
- Absence of symptoms in the ear, nose, and throat regions
- Persistently elevated ESR/CRP or rising ESR/CRP despite antibiotic therapy